2023 Florida Medical Association Annual Meeting and House of Delegates

The Florida Society of Pathologists attended the 2023 Florida Medical Association Annual Meeting and House of Delegates on July 28 through July 30 in Orlando, Florida. The FSP had 4 seats to the delegation. FSP delegates in attendance included Marilyn Bui, MD, PhD, Carmen Gomez, MD, Khaled Algashaamy, MD and Lizardo Cerezo, MD.

On Friday, July 28, the FSP, represented by delegate and FSP President, Marilyn Bui, MD, PhD, attended the Specialty Society Section (SSS) meeting. The FSP was one of the 20+ other medical societies in attendance. The SSS addressed specific resolutions brought forward by other specialty societies in attendance and any late resolutions.

On Saturday, July 29, the House of Delegates meeting began with the business proceedings of the Florida Medical Association including outgoing remarks by FMA President Joshua Lenchus, DO and the installation of incoming President Jason Goldman, MD. There were various association reports including an advocacy report, treasurer’s report, and a PAC report and spirited campaign for FMA PAC donations.

After the House of Delegates, the Reference Committee meetings commenced. Reference Committee meetings included:

  • Reference Committee I – Health, Education and Public Policy
  • Reference Committee II – Finance and Administration
  • Reference Committee III – Legislation and Miscellaneous
  • Reference Committee IV – Medical Economics

The FSP delegates each attended a Reference Committee meeting to hear the resolutions and testimony and any potential impacts on pathologists. There were several heated discussions on protecting access to reproductive health services, gun safety, scope of practice, corporate practice of medicine, NICA transparency and vaccination.

On Sunday, July 30, the final session of the House of Delegates was held whereby the delegation was able to review the final Reference Committee recommendations and vote on any extracted resolutions. The results of the FMA Board of Governors election and the AMA Delegates election were also announced. The election results for the new vice speaker of the House of Delegates was announced as Sanjay Pattani, MD.

There was one resolution presented in Reference Committee III that was a relevant issue for pathologists. Resolution 23-304 – Repeal of Pharmacy Collaborative Practice Agreements whereby the FMA would seek repeal of Florida Statute 465.1865 which currently allows pharmacists in Florida to enter collaborative pharmacy practice agreements for chronic health conditions including arthritis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, type 2 diabetes, HIV/AIDS and obesity.  These collaborative practice agreements also allow pharmacists to make clinical assessments of patients and allow them to order or perform and evaluate laboratory or clinical tests, requiring only a 20-hour course of instruction.

Florida Statute 465.1865 can be found here.

Resolution 23-304 – Repeal of Pharmacy Collaborative Practice Agreements can be found here.

The resolution was approved by the Reference Committee to seek repeal of Florida statute 456.1865.  The FSP will continue to monitor the progress of this repeal by the FMA.

Thank you to the FSP delegates Marilyn Bui, MD, PhD, Carmen Gomez, MD, Khaled Algashaamy, MD and Lizardo Cerezo, MD for representing the FSP so well and supporting all physicians as well as our own pathologists at the meeting.