Myles R. McCrary, MD, PhD
PGY1, Anatomical and Clinical Pathology
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
What is your current role?
I am a rising second year anatomic and clinical pathology resident at the University of South Florida and resident liaison and chair of the resident/fellow committee.
What is the best part of your occupation?
My favorite part of pathology is that nearly every major decision in patient care comes down to what we can see firsthand under the microscope. Also, as a whole, pathologists tend to be pretty great people and a pleasure to work with.
How did you become interested in pathology?
Early on in medical school I was fortunate to have excellent mentors who were enthusiastic about their work and encouraged me to explore the vast opportunities available in pathology. Their enthusiasm was contagious, I contracted the bug, and now hope to spread it myself. At USF I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by amazing faculty advisors who are invested in my career and have invigorated my interests in diagnostic medicine.
How did you become involved with the FSP?
The upperclassmen and attendings that I rotated with unanimously recommended that I become involved with FSP. I attended the Annual Conference in Orlando my first year in residency, which was an awesome experience!
Explain how you benefit from being a member of FSP?
From a personal perspective, membership in our state society has provided me with networking opportunities, a space to showcase my research, and a forum to exchange ideas with people with different experiences. More broadly, FSP is working behind the scenes to improve and secure working conditions here in Florida through advocacy.
What would you like to see occur in the field of pathology (i.e., scientific advances, greater awareness of the field, etc.) during your career?
I am especially excited about the expanding role that pathologists will play in prognostics and would like to see greater adaptation of AI and digital pathology. Imagine digitally scanning a slide and with assistance from AI, examining the cancer for features that predict molecular alterations and guide chemo/immunotherapy regimens. Our profession is uniquely poised to lead this technological renaissance.
What are your hobbies outside of the office?
I like to bike and have enjoyed exploring the fantastic Rails to Trails available in Florida.
What is something surprising that most people do not know about you?
I grew up in Taipei, Taiwan and moved to the US for undergraduate studies at Emory University.
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