Society News

End of Legislative Session Update

FSP Legislative Consultant, Amy Young provides an update on the end of the Legislative Session.

Legislative Update: March 13, 2020

HB 389 and HB 607 allowing independent practice by nurse practitioners and pharmacists to treat certain medical conditions signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

FSP Spotlight | Get to Know Meg Neal, MD

Getting to know the FSP Presidential Service Award Winner!

Action Alert: Contact your Legislators about HB 607, HB 7053 and SB 1676

Help your physician colleagues and contact your legislators to oppose scope expansion for nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

Legislative Update, February 24, 2020

This Session has been challenging for organized medicine with House Speaker Jose Oliva's primary focus on expanding scope of practice for advanced practice registered nurses.

FSP Hosts Digital Poster Hall and Digital Poster Competition

The FSP's 46th Annual Pathology Conference took place on February 14-16 in Orlando, Florida where over 40 posters were on display in the FSP Digital Poster Hall.

FSP Announces Platform Presentations

The FSP has chosen three resident authors to present Platform Presentations at the FSP's Annual Pathology Conference on Saturday, February 15.

FSP Joins Florida Patient Protection Coalition

FSP joined more than 50 county medical and specialty societies across the state in the formation of the Florida Patient Protection Coalition

FSP Spotlight | Get to Know Emily Volk, MD, MBA, FCAP

Welcome to this edition of the FSP member spotlight. Every month we will highlight a different FSP member who is doing exciting things in the field of pathology. This month we are excited to feature Emily Volk, MD, who has been a Corresponding Member of the FSP since 2017. She has been a member of the College of American Pathologists and served on the Board of Governors since 2013. Dr. Volk was recently elected President-Elect for CAP this past September.

FSP Nominating Committee Recommends Slate for 2020-2022

The FSP Nominating Committee recommends four At-Large Board Members for a two year term from February 2020-February 2022.
