Society News

Member Spotlight | Get to Know Stephen E. Vernon, MD

This month we are featuring Stephen E. Vernon, MD. Dr. Vernon currently serves on the FSP Board of Directors and has been an active member of the FSP for many years.

CAP HOD Florida Delegation

Florida delegation is full!

Member Spotlight | Get to Know Dr. Marilyn Bui

This month the FSP Member Spotlight is featuring Marilyn Bui, MD, PhD. Dr. Bui currently serves on the FSP Board of Directors and has been an active member of the education committee for several years

Important Member Message

As the entire nation continues to understand the impact of the opioid epidemic, Florida became the 25th state to enact opioid reform legislation through House Bill 21 signed by the Governor in March of 2018 and effective as of July 1, 2018.

FSP 2018 Summer Conference Highlights

There was record attendance at the FSP’s 2018 Summer Conference held on July 21-22 in Palm Beach, Fla. at the Breakers Hotel with 135 attendees from not only Florida but all over the United States!

2018 Legislative Recap

The 2018 Legislative Session proved to be another success for FSP.

FSP Board Member Dr. Lizardo Cerezo Honored with President's Service Award

Lizardo Cerezo, MD was presented with the FSP's Prestigious President's Service Award at the 44th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference on February 17, 2018.

FSP Welcomes New Board Members

The Florida Society of Pathologists is pleased to welcome two new members to the Board of Directors effective February 17, 2018. Dr. Adrian Padurean of Fort Myers, Florida and Dr. Patricia Moody McNab of Tampa, Florida.

FSP 44th (2018) Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference Highlights

The 44th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference was held on February 16 through 18 in Orlando at the Grand Floridian Hotel. The conference was well attended with approximately 260 pathologists and 42 vendors representing the best laboratories, products and services in pathology.

CAP House of Delegates: Florida seats open!

The CAP HOD acts as the voice of the membership of the CAP, articulating to the Board of Governors (BOG) the needs of constituents and articulating to constituents what the CAP is doing to meet those needs. Delegates and Alternate Delegates play a vital role in this process and the CAP HOD is an excellent path to leadership within the CAP. A new apportionment for the College of American Pathologists (CAP) House of Delegates (HOD) members and Florida means the Florida Delegation has twelve more seats. We plan to fill them all! If you are interested or have any suggestions of FSP/CAP members who you think will be good candidates, please contact House of Delegates Florida Chair, Marilyn M. Bui, MD, PhD, FCAP
