FSP Advocacy Stipend Now Available!
Are you passionate about making a difference and shaping positive change for pathologists through advocacy? The FSP Advocacy Stipend is an exciting opportunity for active and engaged FSP members to take their commitment to the next level.
The FSP Advocacy Stipend program is designed to support FSP members in advocacy initiatives related to participation in the CAP Pathologists Leadership Summit and CAP Hill Day taking place in Washington, DC. The stipend is intended to offset travel-related expenses to attend the meeting in-person.
Eligibility Criteria and Requirements:
To qualify for the FSP Advocacy Stipend, individuals should:
Amount and Frequency:
The FSP will award up to 10 recipients for the stipend. Approved recipients will receive the $1,000 stipend after the meeting once written testimony and photos are received. In order to provide opportunities for as many FSP members as possible, approved recipients may only reapply for the stipend after a three-year interval.
This stipend policy follows all relevant laws and regulations governing stipend programs. Stipends are subject to applicable income tax regulations, and recipients are responsible for reporting stipend income.
Application Process:
Ready to apply? Submit the following application to the FSP committee by February 26, 2025. The short application will ask the candidate to provide a statement explaining why advocacy is important to the them and to detail previous advocacy-related activities.
Submit Application Here: https://forms.office.com/r/BA9in5AMb4
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